Source code for

A commandline tool for drawing RDF graphs in Graphviz DOT format

You can draw the graph of an RDF file directly:

.. code-block: bash

   rdf2dot my_rdf_file.rdf | dot -Tpng | display


from __future__ import annotations

import collections
import html
import sys
from typing import Any, Dict, TextIO

import rdflib
import rdflib.extras.cmdlineutils
from rdflib import XSD
from rdflib.graph import Graph
from rdflib.term import Literal, Node, URIRef


    for x in (

EDGECOLOR = "blue"
NODECOLOR = "black"
ISACOLOR = "black"

[docs]def rdf2dot(g: Graph, stream: TextIO, opts: Dict[str, Any] = {}): """ Convert the RDF graph to DOT writes the dot output to the stream """ fields = collections.defaultdict(set) nodes: Dict[Node, str] = {} def node(x: Node) -> str: if x not in nodes: nodes[x] = "node%d" % len(nodes) return nodes[x] def label(x: Node, g: Graph): for labelProp in LABEL_PROPERTIES: # noqa: N806 l_ = g.value(x, labelProp) if l_: return l_ try: # type error: Argument 1 to "compute_qname" of "NamespaceManager" has incompatible type "Node"; expected "str" return g.namespace_manager.compute_qname(x)[2] # type: ignore[arg-type] except Exception: return x def formatliteral(l: Literal, g): # noqa: E741 v = html.escape(l) if l.datatype: return "&quot;%s&quot;^^%s" % (v, qname(l.datatype, g)) elif l.language: return "&quot;%s&quot;@%s" % (v, l.language) return "&quot;%s&quot;" % v def qname(x: URIRef, g: Graph) -> str: try: q = g.compute_qname(x) return q[0] + ":" + q[2] except Exception: return x def color(p): return "BLACK" stream.write('digraph { \n node [ fontname="DejaVu Sans" ] ; \n') for s, p, o in g: sn = node(s) if p == rdflib.RDFS.label: continue if isinstance(o, (rdflib.URIRef, rdflib.BNode)): on = node(o) opstr = ( "\t%s -> %s [ color=%s, label=< <font point-size='10' " + "color='#336633'>%s</font> > ] ;\n" ) # type error: Argument 1 to "qname" has incompatible type "Node"; expected "URIRef" stream.write(opstr % (sn, on, color(p), qname(p, g))) # type: ignore[arg-type] else: # type error: Argument 1 to "qname" has incompatible type "Node"; expected "URIRef" fields[sn].add((qname(p, g), formatliteral(o, g))) # type: ignore[arg-type] for u, n in nodes.items(): stream.write("# %s %s\n" % (u, n)) f = [ "<tr><td align='left'>%s</td><td align='left'>%s</td></tr>" % x for x in sorted(fields[n]) ] opstr = ( "%s [ shape=none, color=%s label=< <table color='#666666'" + " cellborder='0' cellspacing='0' border='1'><tr>" + "<td colspan='2' bgcolor='grey'><B>%s</B></td></tr><tr>" + "<td href='%s' bgcolor='#eeeeee' colspan='2'>" + "<font point-size='10' color='#6666ff'>%s</font></td>" + "</tr>%s</table> > ] \n" ) stream.write( opstr # type error: Value of type variable "AnyStr" of "escape" cannot be "Node" % (n, NODECOLOR, html.escape(label(u, g)), u, html.escape(u), "".join(f)) # type: ignore[type-var] ) stream.write("}\n")
def _help(): sys.stderr.write( """ [-f <format>] files... Read RDF files given on STDOUT, writes a graph of the RDFS schema in DOT language to stdout -f specifies parser to use, if not given, """ )
[docs]def main(): rdflib.extras.cmdlineutils.main(rdf2dot, _help)
if __name__ == "__main__": main()